Saturday, April 14, 2007


They say everybody has a pair of lenses,
everybody preceives things differently.
Maybe mine are cracked and dirty.
Maybe mine are a bit too foggy to see clearly.
Because, everyday people pass by homeless
everyday kids die of hunger,
women are sold as slaves
Everyday the rich are getting richer
and the fat are getting fatter
Yet, nobody gives a shit
Maybe it’s my lenses that are full of shit
Maybe I dont know right from wrong
Maybe my lenses are on too tight
because I cant see the difference between black or white

They say everybody has a pair of lenses
They say everybody preceives the world differently
Then, why do most just play the part
and follow the crowd?
Mouth stuck to cell phone
Ears stuck to iPod
Eyes stuck to T.V.
Fingers stuck to plastic keys
Oh, now I see
This is how we interconnect

I’m ready...
This is my plea:
I just want to be
I just want to see
I just want to be free
So, go ahead and plug me in
and do the dirty deed

Drain out the fantasy
Filter out creativity
Extract the freshness
Sqeeze out the juices
Purge out all feelings
Till im dry like a prune

I can see clearly now...
just like that song playing on the radio

Thank you for setting me good and proper
Now my lenses shine with a sparkle.